Branding Guide
AIGuardian Documentation
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Brand Overview
AIGuardian is a zero-dependency CLI tool designed to automatically detect project types and apply tailored optimization tasks. The brand represents efficiency, intelligence, and reliability in code maintenance.Brand Values
- Simplicity: Minimal dependencies, straightforward usage
- Intelligence: Smart detection and automated optimization
- Reliability: Consistent, predictable results
- Openness: Transparent, community-driven development
Primary Logo
The AIGuardian logo consists of a shield icon with a code symbol, representing protection and code optimization.Logo Usage
- Maintain clear space around the logo equal to the height of the shield icon
- Do not distort, rotate, or alter the logo colors
- Minimum display size: 32px height for digital, 0.5" for print
Color Palette
Primary Colors
- Primary Blue:
(RGB: 0, 112, 243)
- Dark Blue:
(RGB: 0, 80, 179)
Secondary Colors
- Light Gray:
(RGB: 247, 247, 247)
- Medium Gray:
(RGB: 102, 102, 102)
- Dark Gray:
(RGB: 51, 51, 51)
Accent Colors
- Success Green:
(RGB: 40, 167, 69)
- Warning Yellow:
(RGB: 255, 193, 7)
- Error Red:
(RGB: 220, 53, 69)
Primary Font
- Inter: A clean, modern sans-serif typeface
Font Usage
- Headings: Inter Bold (700)
- Body Text: Inter Regular (400)
- UI Elements: Inter Medium (500)
Tone of Voice
Brand Personality
- Knowledgeable: Demonstrates expertise without being condescending
- Helpful: Focuses on solving problems and providing value
- Straightforward: Communicates clearly without unnecessary jargon
- Friendly: Approachable and conversational, but professional
Writing Guidelines
- Use active voice rather than passive
- Keep sentences concise and direct
- Avoid excessive technical jargon when explaining concepts
- Address the user directly using "you" and "your"
- Use contractions to maintain a conversational tone
Imagery Style
Technical Illustrations
- Clean, minimal line-based illustrations
- Limited color palette using brand colors
- Focus on clarity and purpose rather than decoration
Screenshots and Demos
- Clear, high-resolution captures
- Annotated when necessary for clarity
- Consistent terminal themes and environments
Social Media
Profile Images
- Use the primary logo with appropriate padding
- Maintain consistent branding across all platforms
Cover Images
- Use simple, branded backgrounds with minimal text
- Incorporate the logo and a short tagline when appropriate
Email Communications
- Include the AIGuardian logo
- Provide links to the website and GitHub repository
- Use the primary brand font and colors
Document Templates
- Use consistent headers and formatting
- Include the AIGuardian logo in the header
- Follow the established color palette and typography guidelines
This branding guide should be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure it remains relevant and effective. All team members and contributors should follow these guidelines to maintain brand consistency.
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On This Page
Brand OverviewBrand ValuesLogoPrimary LogoLogo UsageColor PalettePrimary ColorsSecondary ColorsAccent ColorsTypographyPrimary FontFont UsageTone of VoiceBrand PersonalityWriting GuidelinesImagery StyleTechnical IllustrationsScreenshots and DemosSocial MediaProfile ImagesCover ImagesEmail CommunicationsSignaturesDocument TemplatesDocumentation