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AIGuardian Usage Guide

This guide provides detailed instructions on how to use AIGuardian effectively for different types of projects.

Basic Usage

Command Line Interface

AIGuardian is primarily used through its command-line interface:

aiguardian [options] [command]

Interactive Mode

When run without arguments, AIGuardian starts in interactive mode:


This will:

  1. 1. Detect your project type
  1. 2. Display available optimization tasks
  1. 3. Allow you to select which tasks to run
  2. Non-Interactive Mode

    To run AIGuardian without prompts:

    aiguardian --all --yes

    Project-Specific Usage

    JavaScript/TypeScript Projects

    For JavaScript or TypeScript projects, AIGuardian offers specialized tasks:


    Convert JavaScript to TypeScript

    aiguardian --tasks js-to-ts

    Optimize npm dependencies

    aiguardian --tasks optimize-npm-deps

    Format code using Prettier rules

    aiguardian --tasks format-code

    Python Projects

    For Python projects:


    Clean __pycache__ directories

    aiguardian --tasks clean-pycache

    Optimize requirements.txt

    aiguardian --tasks optimize-requirements

    Format code using Black

    aiguardian --tasks format-python

    Java Projects

    For Java projects:


    Clean build artifacts

    aiguardian --tasks clean-build

    Optimize Maven dependencies

    aiguardian --tasks optimize-maven-deps

    Format code using Google Java Format

    aiguardian --tasks format-java

    Advanced Usage

    Custom Task Selection

    Run specific tasks by their IDs:

    aiguardian --tasks clean-temp,format-code,optimize-gitignore

    Excluding Tasks

    Run all tasks except specific ones:

    aiguardian --all --exclude js-to-ts,format-code

    Dry Run Mode

    Preview changes without applying them:

    aiguardian --dry-run

    Verbose Output

    Get detailed information during execution:

    aiguardian --verbose

    Custom Configuration

    Use a custom configuration file:

    aiguardian --config ./my-config.js

    Integration with Build Systems

    npm Scripts

    Add AIGuardian to your package.json scripts:

      "scripts": {
        "optimize": "aiguardian --all",
        "format": "aiguardian --tasks format-code",
        "clean": "aiguardian --tasks clean-temp"

    CI/CD Integration

    For CI/CD pipelines, use the non-interactive mode:

    aiguardian --all --yes --no-color

    Best Practices

    1. 1. Run in Dry Run Mode First: Always use --dry-run when trying new tasks
    1. 2. Use Version Control: Ensure your code is committed before running AIGuardian
    1. 3. Create Backups: Use the backup feature (--backup) for important projects
    1. 4. Start Small: Begin with non-destructive tasks before using more aggressive optimizations
    1. 5. Customize Configuration: Create a project-specific configuration file for consistent results
    2. Troubleshooting

      If you encounter issues, see the Troubleshooting Guide for solutions to common problems.

      Next Steps

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